Thursday, October 14, 2010


What is today!? What? It's Thursday, sorry there was no review yesterday! And I am not sure about the rest of the week because I am going to be MIA this weekend, on the Internet at least. I will try to schedule some reviews but I don't know if that will work since I have so much homework. But on the bright side, look at what I am reading?? CRESENDO!!!!!!! OMG! I went to Borders yesterday got some books and there it was, in all it's pride and glory! It is so good so far!

Title: Shiver

Author: Maggie Stiefvater

Rating: 5 stars

Review: When Grace was about 8 years old she was attacked by wolves. Werewolves to be exact. She should have turned into a wolf but she didn't and now 10 years later Grace is still watching the wolves in her backyard that have captivated her since she was little. There is one special wolf to Grace, though, a beautiful yellow-eyed one. This is Grace's wolf. This wolf is a werewolf and ever summer he turns into a human named Sam. But when some terrifying events happen and Sam, the werewolf, turns into a human in the middle of winter. Now Sam needs help and it seems Grace is the only one who can manage that.

Shiver was an intense, very poetic, lyrical read that I liked a lot.

I love werewolves, even though I didn't always, and that is probably the main reason I even picked up Shiver. The werewolf lore was very interesting and unique in this book. Instead of most books where they only turn at full moon or when ever they want, Shiver explored much different ideas. When it was winter, they were wolves and when it was summer they were human and then after about 15 years of shifting they stay wolf forever.

Sam and Grace and all the supporting characters were good and I felt like I had some sort of feeling or connection with them. They were nicely fleshed out and each had there own unique personalities.  Sam, when he was human was a little too melodramatic for me, he was the musician who was madly in love with a girl he could never have and such. And Grace was a little too cold and her parents were terrible parents so maybe that contributed to it!

The plot was interesting and I was captivated for almost the whole book but I admit that I did get a little bored in some parts, and now after reading the sequel I have to say I liked the sequel much more.

Tomorrow: Possibly, Hopefully Linger the sequel.

And is anyone curious to see what I got at Borders?? Then I will list them!
1. Beautiful Darkness
2. Crescendo (of course)
3. Cate of the Lost Colony
4. Revolution
5. The Lost Hero

Oh and Trance by Linda Gerber came out today!


Anonymous said...

You have such hot reviews.....!

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