Saturday, October 16, 2010


It is Saturday and I will post this review nice and quick so I can get to work on my Power Point Presentation for School! Fun, right?

Title: Lies

Author: Michael Grant

Rating: 5 stars

Review: We are back in the FAYZ, the Fallout Alley Youth Zone, and the problems are getting more serious than ever. The newly formed City Council is taking over and getting too much power in some of the citizens eyes. And even worse the council is starting to tell lies. Sam no longer feels like he can do anything because of the council and is in great emotional distress over Drake, the boy he thought was gone. And while everything starts to unravel bigger things are starting to happen.

Lies was so much better than Hunger and I just flew through it!
There were some surprising twists and turns in the plot, especially with Orsay. Sam is going through some bad times and was so depressed and feeling not very useful. Not to mention that he and Astrid are on bad terms for most of the book! Astrid was incredibly bossy during the entire time but I think she managed to redeem herself. Possibly. I like all the supporting characters and there were some new ones too that were interesting.

I loved everything that happened in the book and the character alternations were quite good.

But I am a little worried for the next book called Plague, since in Lies everyone was starting to get sick too. So hopefully Grant doesn't kill off all of my favorite characters!

So if I were you I would jump in a car, hitchhike if you have too and go to a local bookstore and pick up this series!


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