Monday, October 4, 2010

Some things Added, some delted and some Fun New Things!


So as you can tell from the Title there are some new things on the blog!
I added a review archive, that will be super duper handy if you want to look for a certain review! I deleted the list of reviews over on the side of my blog because well it looked unattractive and there is the review archive!

I also deleted the poll of you favorite series and It seems that the Mortal Instruments Series won!

And I joined the Contempts Challenge! You are like what the heck is that? Well I will have a post later today explaining that! And what books I am going to read. I have also added some books to my 2010 Debut Author Challenge list! So I need to update that.

And for the fun new thing I admit that I have been greatly slacking on telling you people about what books are coming out so I am going to design a page, just for that! Hopefully I can get that done soon!

And on the word of pages, I am dedicating a new page just to challenges!

Also don't forget about the Spooky Reading Challenge!

This week there will be review on Before I fall by Lauren Oliver and Once a Witch by Carolyn MacCullough! and some other exciting books!

Have a great day!


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