Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Wondrous Strange

Let's get straight to reviewing!

Title: Wondrous Strange

Author: Lesley Livingston
Rating: 5 stars

Review: Kelly Winslow, is a actress struggling to make her way in New York City. When Kelly takes a midnight stroll in Central Park she discovers Sonny Flannery, a Janus, which is a guard that guards the Gate to and from the Otherworld. And the Otherworld just happens to be the faerie world. At first Kelly thinks Sonny is just some lunatic that is stalking her so when Sonny tells Kelly what she is, she is more that surprised. Now Sonny has to help keep Kelly safe and prevent other terrible creatures from crossing over into the mortal world. But Kelly is wanted more than they know and it just might take some fighting to save Kelly's life.

Such an enchanting story! Kelly was very relatable to and I liked her a lot. Sonny, is Sonny and talks like he stepped right out of a Shakespearean Play! The plot was good, but not overly original. It seems that all faerie books these days are about faeries in the mortal world or mortals in the faerie world and such. Kelly and Sonny had a great connection that was entirely believable. Great read!


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