Sunday, September 12, 2010


Today I am finally reviewing, Incarceron! I have wanted to review this book forever! I am super happy that I am finally getting around to it too! I just finished Wondrous Strange yesterday and I loved it! I am currently reading Sabotaged by Margret Peterson Haddix, it is alright so far. Tomorrow I am going to hopefully post a review of Paranormalcy!

Title: Incarceron

Author: Catherine Fisher
Rating: 5 stars

Review: There is a world were time is frozen in a time much like the 1800's. No new technology can be developed but there is already tons of advanced technology. In this world there is also a prison, called Incarceron, that was sealed up hundreds of years ago, and no one has ever escaped, but one person. Finn lives and this prison and has always dreamed of someday escaping. One day Finn finds a a magical, Crystal key that allows him to talk with a girl on the outside, Claudia. At first Finn doesn't believe that she is really one the outside, but she is, hating her life in "The Era". When Claudia promises to help get Finn out of Incarceron, they have no idea of the challenges they will face.

This is a great book! But at first I was like, what is happening!? The world Claudia live in is totally strange and you have to keep in "Era" which basically means you live like you are in the 1800's with tons of technology. But I admit, I did start to like the world she lived in, even if it was a little weird. I mean, who doesn't want to live in the 1800's?  Finn also lived in a weird world. The characters were pretty good, but I would have like to see a little more action from Claudia. All she seemed to do was try and scheme. The plot though was excellent and very enjoyable. The whole book was incredibly fast paced and full of action. I can't wait till the sequel comes out in the US!


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