Saturday, September 4, 2010


How is everyone doing!? Well I am doing fine since this just happens to be a Saturday!!!! But now it's reviewing time!

Title: Evermore

Author: Alyson Noel
Rating: 3 stars

Review: 16 year-old Ever Bloom is now living with her aunt because of a fatal crash that killed her whole family. Since the crash Ever can see people's auras, hear what they are thinking and she has constant chatter in her head. But when Damen Auguste comes to town, Dames just happens to be gorgeous and mysterious, he can calm Ever and make her feel just a little bit normal again. The only thing is, Ever isn't sure about Damen- where he came from and what he is.

Evermore was a nice little read that I finished last weekend and while I found it enjoyable and I liked it, it seemed like there was way to many stories combined in it. Wait was it Twilight or was it Fallen, well most of the concepts seemed the same except Ever was just a little bit smarter than Bella or Luce. The plot, even though overused was sorta good. I like the concept of the book but it could have used a little more. I am still debating wether I want to read the 2nd book in the series and I am afraid that I will give in and do so. Well it was sorta good. . .

It is still a surpise, what I am I going to review tomorrow!


Hope said...

Katie! Your a reading machine!

Katie said...

haha Hope! I know I am!

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