Thursday, September 22, 2011

Never Have I Ever by Sara Shepard

Title: Never Have I Ever
Author: Sara Shepard
Publisher: Harper Collins
Publication Date: August 2, 2011
Source: Library

Summary: My perfect life was a lie.

Now I’d do anything to uncover the truth.

Not long ago, I had everything a girl could wish for: amazing friends, an adorable boyfriend, a loving family. But none of them know that I’m gone—that I’m dead. To solve my murder, my long-lost twin sister, Emma, has taken my place. She sleeps in my room, wears my clothes, and calls my parents Mom and Dad.
And my killer is watching her every move.

I remember little from my life, just flashes and flickers, so all I can do is follow along as Emma tries to solve the mystery of my disappearance. But the deeper she digs, the more suspects she uncovers. It turns out my friends and I played a lot of games—games that ruined people’s lives. Anyone could want revenge . . . anyone could want me—and now Emma—dead.

Review: The second installment in Sara Shepard's Lying Game series was absolutely amazing!

These are my fluffy books that I don't quite take seriously but I still enjoy the drama, intrigue, and most of all, the mystery.

Shepard expertly weaves the plot so you are always in suspense. This could also be the books greatest downfall, that the mystery could get dragged out way too long. But right now I'm just having fun reading these!

Emma is a fun main character. By fun I don't mean 'har, har so funny,' but rather a relateable one that's fun to follow, I guess.

I talked a little about all the suspense earlier but the mystery was WOW! I have no idea who the killer could even be. Sutton's little drop-ins and flash backs were an added touch to the story instead of being annoying, like in the first one.

Never Have I Ever is a great sequel and I can't wait to read the next installment!

Do any of you watch the TV show!? I'm addicted!



Unknown said...

I agree with everything you said! I'm addicted to the show too, I might even like it better than Pretty Little Liars! And I love the books to. Though...I'll have to say, I enjoy the mystery of the books, with Sutton being ghostly and all, but I like that she's alive (at least for now) on the show. Sometimes it seems to ruin books for me when shows or movies deviate a lot from the book, but this one is just to blatantly obvious that it doesn't ruin anything at all.
Anyway, thanks for the review!
Courtney @ Fuzzy.Coffee.Books

Lauren M said...

I wasn't a fan of the first book in this series, but I did appreciate how fun it was! Haha. I don't watch the show, but from what I hear, it's very different from the books!

Mary @ BookSwarm said...

Like Lauren, I wasn't a fan of the first book. It seemed too contrived and I didn't really like the characters. But your review makes me think I might have to try #2.

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