Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Beginning of After by Jennifer Castle

Title: The Beginning of After
Author: Jennifer Castle
Publisher: Harper Teen
Publication Date: September 6, 2011
Source: Thanks Netgalley and Harper!

Summary: Anyone who’s had something truly crappy happen to them will tell you: It’s all about Before and After. What I’m talking about here is the ka-pow, shake-you-to-your-core-and-turn-your-bones-to-plastic kind of crappy.

Sixteen-year-old Laurel’s world changes instantly when her parents and brother are killed in a terrible car accident. Behind the wheel is the father of her bad-boy neighbor, David Kaufman, whose mother is also killed. In the aftermath of the tragedy, Laurel navigates a new reality in which she and her best friend grow apart, boys may or may not be approaching her out of pity, overpowering memories lurk everywhere, and Mr. Kaufman is comatose but still very much alive. Through it all there is David, who swoops in and out of Laurel’s life and to whom she finds herself attracted against her better judgment. She will forever be connected to him by their mutual loss—a connection that will change them both in unexpected ways.

Review: When I started The Beginning of After I thought that I would be in for a sad, epic ride. With a beautiful cover and a great sounding premise I was ready to be impressed. I was quite disappointed actually. This isn't a bad book but it just didn't have that emotion I was looking for.

First of all, the writing wasn't the best. It felt too simplistic and soft. I didn't feel connected to Laurel, even though I was in her head. It just didn't have that ka-pow factor.

And sadly, neither did the characters. They felt distant, cookie-cutters of life on the page. None of them left a mark on me. Not one and it made me so, so sad.

Speaking of sad, this was not one emotion I experience during the book. I was excited for a good cry but I didn't get one at all. I just felt no emotions even though I tried my best to.

On the bright side, I did enjoy seeing Laurel move on and have a little romance. Even, though, it seemed a little fake and forced its always nice to a see a person move on after a traumatic event in their life.

The romance, for me, was hard to understand. The love interest wasn't there half of the time and I just didn't get it.

I'm not saying this is a bad read, I did give it three stars. It was just a "meh" read and I was really disappointed by it. But by NO means let me discourage you from reading this, it just didn't work for me.

NOTE: I feel like I'm the only one who didn't like this, oh well!



Christy @ TheReaderBee said...

Sorry you didn't enjoy this book. I've read books that I felt that way about before. :) Thanks for sharing your honest review!

Mary @ BookSwarm said...

Aw, hate when they don't live up to their potential! Still, from your review, it sounds like a worthwhile read and I can see my girl students really loving this one.
Great review--
Mary @ BookSwarm

Bailey said...

I was just a bit disappointed in this one. Like you, I couldn't connect with Laurel at all. Thanks for the honest review!

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