Monday, April 25, 2011

Overprotected by Jennifer Laurens

Title: Overprotected
Author: Jennifer Laurens
Publisher: Grove Creek Publishing
Publication Date: April 29, 2011 (Paperback) Feb. 2011 (eBook)
Source: Bought Ebook

Summary: Ashlyn: A lonely society princess living in New York City.

Daddy hired you to be my bodyguard.

Colin: Childhood enemy, now her protector.

Daddy thought I’d be safe. He thought I’d never fall in love. He thought he could keep me forever.

Charles: obsessed with keeping her safe, keeping her his, he hires the one person he knows she could never fall in love with: Colin.

Daddy was wrong.
Review: Overprotected absolutely blew me away. Seriously. I knew it was going to be good but I never ever imagined the way I would devour it!

Ashlyn has been overprotected by her Father for forever. And she is tired of being protected and not having any friends. Which leads to her acting out and her old bodyguard being fired... And guess who comes to town?? Colin.

Colin is one if the sweetest boys I have ever met in YA fiction and I don't say that lightly. He was always there for Ashlyn and comforted her. He was stunning. And he never took things too far and was just plain sweet.

Ashlyn, oh I felt so sorry for her. The life she lives is awful, I could never imagine it. Some of the things she did might seem childish or stupid. But it's exactly the thing I would do if I was in her situation. She was also a really great character.

I don't even want to mention her parents they were so awful.

Despite the plot being mainly about Ashlyn trying to escape and a couple of spoilery things, it never dragged and I was super addicted. The style of writing and Ashlyn's voice made this truly unforgettable.

I don't think I can express in a review how special this book really was and how much I loved it. So basically I just want everyone to give this a try because it was so good!

I left with a new favorite and an author to watch out for!!



Elodie said...

That sounds awesome !! I really can't wait to read this one now .. Thanks for the spoiler free review =)
Looking forward to meet Colin ;)

tthepageturner said...

Ooh, this book sounds awesome! Thanks so much for the review. :)

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