Saturday, April 23, 2011

Blog Happenings (20)

It is the weekend! YAY! I'm going to be super busy today...I have to get all my homework done, and blog posts for tomorrow and this upcoming week...yeah really fun. But Happy Easter Weekend everyone!

I'm currently reading Scorpia Rising the last Alex Rider book. It is really good but I haven't had much time to read it. I love books with spies, and I wish for once that Alex Rider will have a happy ending. I'm also reading Sixteenth Summer on my Nook. This book is so much fun! I only have a few more days to read it though.

And then I'm reading....OVERPROTECTED!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness this book is amazing!! I should finish it soon but I don't want to, it is so amazing.

Is this self-published or not??? Just curious because I can't seem to tell.

I'm trying to read but just haven't got there, probably because of all the books I'm reading at one time, is Runaway by Meg Cabot and Crossing the Tracks by Barbara Stuber. 

I'm pretty sure I have way to many books to read.

And I have no clue what I'm going to review this week. I usually have it planned out...but not this week!

I better get working on homework so I can work on this and read later!

Have a great weekend!


Elodie said...

I've heard amazing things about Overprotected and I really can't wait to read your review ... =)
Happy reading ;)

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