Monday, December 12, 2011

Soul Thief by Jana Oliver

Title: Soul Thief
Author: Jana Oliver
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Publication Date: August 30, 2011
Source: Bought

Summary: Riley Blackthorne is beginning to learn that there are worse things than death by demon. And love is just one of them…
Seventeen-year-old Riley has about had it up to here. After the devastating battle at the Tabernacle, trappers are dead and injured, her boyfriend Simon is gravely injured, and now her beloved late father’s been illegally poached from his grave by a very powerful necromancer. As if that’s not enough, there's Ori, one sizzling hot freelance demon hunter who’s made himself Riley’s unofficial body guard, and Beck, a super over-protective “friend” who acts more like a grouchy granddad.  With all the hassles, Riley’s almost ready to leave Atlanta altogether.
But as Atlanta’s demon count increases, the Vatican finally sends its own Demon Hunters to take care of the city’s “little” problem, and pandemonium breaks loose. Only Riley knows that she might be the center of Hell’s attention: an extremely powerful Grade 5 demon is stalking her, and her luck can't last forever…

Review: Oh, my. Soul Thief absolutely blew me away. Riley is back and is better than ever. I don't think I could want anymore out of this series!

Riley is such a strong heroine. I admit there were a couple of times where I would have loved to slap some sense into her, figuratively of course. But she continues to weave her way into her mind. Not many YA girls can top the awesome character of Riley Blackthorne.

Then there's my Beck. Yes, my Beck. I didn't think my love for Beck could grow anymore but this demon trapper is just one spectacular guy. Beck is such a realistically flawed character, just like Riley. Backwoods Boy just needs to stop beating around the bush and get together with Riley. I hope that aspect will come soon. Hopefully...

I don't even want to talk about Simon or Ori. All they want to make me do is literally slap them. I guess I've firmly put my feet on the ground with Team Beck.

Oliver never ceases to surprise me. Everything left me guessing and I, for the life of me could, not fit together the pieces of the puzzle until they were right in my face.

Soul Thief is one heck of a second book. It had all the twists and turns that I needed and it made me love its characters a little bit more.

Rating: 4.5 stars


Lauren M said...

Yeahhhh, Team Beck! I need to read Soul Thief ASAP. Glad to hear it's just as awesome as the first book! :)

Lisa said...

I haven't read this first book in this series yet, but I've heard great things about both of these books. Hopefully I'll get around to reading them soon.

I love novels with strong female heroines!

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