Saturday, January 15, 2011


Hey there everyone! How are you doing on this fine Saturday?! I'm very busy but oh well!

I'm currently reading Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly. I'm liking it her other book, A Northern Light, I'm having a terrible time getting through this one. I'm probably just going to drag it out till the end of the month and read other things. Like Angelfire and Dead is Not an Option. Hopefully I can finish those two over this week!

I have one review written for next week, not the best progress but I'm trying. There will be 2, maybe three reviews up. Cheer me one so I can get them done!

I am doing a project on the Cuban Missile Crisis! No fun! I hate projects! I'm trying not to pull my hair out as I write this, but it isn't working so well.

Book I don't know. I'm just trying to get by in school. Ok this isn't a problem at all really but I still stress out about it! I got a 4.0 and higher this semester! Don't tell my science teacher, he'll be mad, his goal in life is to make Katie get a B! Or Even an F!

I'm sorry this sucked was so weird, check by for an IMM tomorrow!

Remeber a few weeks ago when I showed you the "cover in progress"? Well here is the final cover and I have to say, I LOVE IT!

Thank you Shannon @ Stalking the Bookshelves for posting this on her blog so I could share this with you guys...otherwise I wouldn't have known!

Ack, one more. I discovered this one on my own though!

WOW! Love this. And I can't wait to read this either!


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