Saturday, January 8, 2011

Blog Happenings (12)

Sorry this is a little late but I filmed a movie today (With Phae from Phaedra's Multipurpose Blog). And I took a break from I'm not that big of a fan of actually watching it but right now the Colts are playing, who I happen to love but I just needed to get on the computer and do what ever.

Anyway, I'm reading the second book in the Soul Screamers Series and I'm liking it so far. I should finish it tonight...tomorrow!?

Then I'm going to read Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly next, because I joined a book club on goodreads, and this is the book of the month and I figured I should get started!

I'm going to be gone on vacay, not this week but the next, I'm pretty sure I'll have some posts up but just in case that doesn't happen, but I'm sure it will, you know now?

Oh and the cover for Passion by Lauren Kate. I like it but it looks weird like it's a cross between an animation and real-life. I don't know it just looks so different from the rest. Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing, you can decide that for yourself.

Oh, oh and since I finished the Winter Break/Galley Challenge I set up for myself...there shall be a giveaway! Yes! I know the Giveaway of the Pale Assassin ended, on the 31st but I still need to draw the winners! Look for a post next week.

I can't think of anything else knew other than Across the Universe and Timeless are coming out soon...and I shall buy!


Phaedra said...

Filming the video was fun! I can not believe the colts lost!!!

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