Follow Friday is hosted by Alison Can Read and Parajunkee's View!

This week's question is:
If you could write yourself a part in a book, what book would it be and what role would you play in that book?
This is sort of weird but I'd love to be in a road trip book. Think Amy and Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson. I'd just be that girl with that hot guy driving across the country!! It would be tons of fun.
On the Blog: Reviews (Other posts are not listed)
Sounds like a lot of fun. I wouldn't mind driving with a hot guy on a road trip. :P
Old follower hopping through!
Reader's Refuge
I loved that book and it made me want to go on a road trip so badly! Great answer.
Love your answer! I love road trips too, although pretty sure mine wouldn't include a hot guy, it'd still be tons of fun to do, and I guess that's what fiction is for! :)
April @ My Shelf Confessions
Hopping through. I'd love to be in a road trip book too! I still need to read Amy & Roger too.
My Hop
Hoppin in!
Omg, this blog is so cute! Love the background! =D
I chose the harry potter world, how could I NOT?
Enjoy the hop!
never read it but it sounds fabulous! Who wouldn't wanna be stuck in a car for hourse with a total hottie!
Great idea. Who doesn't want to go on a road trip!
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My Hop
I am lucky 200th follower :)
Who wouldnt love an awesome road trip with a hot boy? I remember the cross country trip on greyhound when I was 18 and I met the cutest, blond hippy boy *sigh* it was a really cool time.
Ooh that book is sitting on my TBR shelf, I hope to get to it soon!
Congrats on the feature! That sounds like an awesome role, her novels are on my TBR list!
Check out my FF and all the Aussie August giveawaays currently running @ The Australian Bookshelf
I never thought of that specificially... but that would be so much fun especially with a hot guy! ;)
Here's my Follow Friday and TGIF!
New follower,
April @books4juliet
Ooh that sounds interesting! The book I'm actually trying to query right now involves a road trip of sorts! Lots of chaos happens during the trip and the trip is really only the beginning!
Here's my Friday Hops
Have a GREAT weekend!
Old Follower :)
Happy Friday! I'm an old follower :)
Driving across the country with some hott guy?? Oh yeah, I can definitely see that haha-- great answer!
You can see my FF post for this week at the link below-- would love if you stopped by! Have a great weekend ;)
Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland
Hey! What a great idea. I love road trips :)
You can checkout my FF HERE
New GFC follower stopping by to say HI and have a good weekend.
YA author and new follower from Follow Friday!
I haven't read that book, but I after looking it up, I think I'll read it.
New follower
Cana (I have a giveaway going on!)
car, long empty roads, hot guy =makings of great steaminess. LOL
new follower from FF:
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