Monday, August 22, 2011

Ripple by Mandy Hubbard

Title: Ripple
Author: Mandy Hubbard
Publisher: Razorbill
Publication Date: July 21, 2011
Source: Bought

Summary:  Lexi is cursed with a dark secret. Each day she goes to school like a normal teenager, and each night she must swim, or the pain will be unbearable. She is a siren - a deadly mermaid destined to lure men to their watery deaths. After a terrible tragedy, Lexi shut herself off from the world, vowing to protect the ones she loves. But she soon finds herself caught between a new boy at school who may have the power to melt her icy exterior, and a handsome water spirit who says he can break Lexi's curse if she gives up everything else. Lexi is faced with the hardest decision she's ever had to make: the life she's always longed for - or the love she can't live without?

Review: Oh, dear. This book was awesome. I loved it. I read it in a day. Have I mentioned this book was awesome? Well, it was.

From the first page I loved Lexi. She's the character that you feel, she was an amazing person cursed with being a siren. One thing, that is kind of random about that I loved is  that she gets good grades! I fell like too many heroines these days skip classes and do awful in school. I really admired her for it, possibly because she reminds me of myself in a lot of ways.  Lexi also has some serious guts. Amazing protagonist: check!

And then there was Cole and Erik...two love interests that I won't say much about. Because if I did, I could spoil something! But Cole was so sweet...and hot! Oh Cole.... Hot boys: check, check!

Like I said, I finished this one in a day. I was totally engrossed in the plot. There were plenty of twists and turns to keep me entertained, too. I don' think there was ever a dull moment for me. Amazing, engrossing plot: check!

Sirens. Oh, wow do I love them! In Ripple we get a newish brand of sirens and we get a great back story behind them! It was more than enjoyable. Great mythology: double check!

Ripple is a must-read. As you can see from all my "checks" it has everything I could ever want...there's hot boys people! You can't resist that. Can you? But that isn't all that Ripple has going. (Read checks above!)



Cait said...

This sounds great! I love how enthusiastic you are about it. Thanks for the review!!

The Cait Files

Getting Your Read On said...

I've seen this book around and wondered if I should pick it up. Sounds like you think I should! I love reading reviews where people LOVE the book. The enthusiasm is contagious. :)

Lisa said...

Great review. It makes me want to leave work and go pick up this book. Plus the dress on the cover is simply stunning!

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